What We Teach

Be Smart Kids meets and exceeds State and Federal Early Education Standards. Click on one of the links below for a full listing of these standards and Be Smart Kids comparisons. 

Section 1: Language Understanding
Section 2 : Literacy
Section 3: Math
Section 4: Social Studies
Section 5: Creative
Section 6: Social Emotional
Section 7: Physical

The following is a list of scientific research on which Be Smart Kids is based: 

Newsweek. Your Child’s Brain. February 19, 1996. by Sharon Begley. How a young child’s brain works.

Time. Fertile Minds. February 3, 1997. by J. Madeleine Nash. Windows of opportunity of when a child learns best.

What your Kindergartner Needs to Know, Preparing Your Child for a Lifetime of Learning—Edited by E.D. Hirsch, Jr., author of Cultural Literacy and John Holdren

Early Reading First. U.S. Department of Education.

Tennessee State Standards. Early Childhood Early Learning Developmental Standards. http://www.tennessee.gov/education/ci/standards/earlychildhood/

Tennessee State Requirements. Statistics and Reports.

A complete comparison of Be Smart Kids and State/Federal Requirements are listed above in Sections 1-7.


NAECS/SDE (National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education ). Position Papers.

NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children). Brain development research—What it means for young children and families.

Childhood Development. Resource for information on early learning.

Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Early Childhood Education http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_childhood_education

Brain Connection. How the Brain “Hears” Language

KQED/KidsWatch. Mathmatics.

PBS Parents. What is Phonics, Anyway?

Research has shown that early intervention with education and social behavior will help improve the quality of life for a child with autism. The earlier you start the better. Be Smart Kids is a fast-paced interactive learning system that wires the brain for vocabulary, language, math & logic, spatial/visual skills, fine motor skills, emotional & social skills, music, character, history, science, health and sign language. It is designed as a one-on-one process because adult/child interaction and bonding is so important to the emotional and social development of the young child.

Information on autism:


Autism fact sheet

Autism and children